Sunday, November 1, 2015

Eggplant Frost Protection Again? How to Prevent Damage Saint George Court Gardens, Linda Maintanis

It seems like we started the year the same way. Back in early May I posted on Saint George Court about the frost warnings and how I protected my eggplant from damage. Sheets of bubble wrap were gently secured around the small plants with a tab of scotch tape.

This time, this past fall, I found the plants needed frost protection once again. A warm, sunny September had allowed another heavy crop of around fifteen or more eggplants to set up. 

But by the middle of October I was watching the temperatures each night with keen eyes. The days were still so glorious; strong sunshine that still branded pink cheeks. And this crop was a bit small, they could use every extra day of growth. So I left them on the vine. 

When temperatures dropped below forty degrees I conceived a plan. A cocoon of sorts, like a tent/greenhouse, to protect them from a freeze. My first idea was to drape a tarp around them, that was too heavy, and actually would have trapped condensate inside. So I kept the concept with one modification; cotton sheets. They would breathe and trap ground heat at the same time. Perfect.

The sheets were draped over the stakes at dusk. Tucked under the drooping eggplants, they formed a breatheable cocoon. Able to trap warmth but exchange moisture to avoid condensation.

Linda Maintanis, James Maintanis, saint george court, warwick, mary lou reynoldsLinda Maintanis, James Maintanis, saint george court, warwick, mary lou reynolds

It worked! I was finally forced to harvest this bowl of eggplants on November 1,2013.
They were definitely worth the effort, a very nice Halloween "treat". Try some of these recipes with your own crop, Minto Island.

Linda Maintanis, James Maintanis, saint george court, warwick, mary lou reynolds
Linda Maintanis, James Maintanis, saint george court, warwick, mary lou reynolds