Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Saint George Court, Warwick RI - Governor Francis Farms Soaking Rains Boost Plant Growth

Wild rain storms have soaked our little Saint George Court 
for the past few weeks. 
Over six inches of rain fell in just ten days in 

Take a look at the views of our garden and scroll back to a previous post HERE for a look at them on May 23, 2013, just about two weeks ago...

Saint George Court - Turtle Pond Wines - Linda Maintanis

Saint George Court - Turtle Pond Wines - Linda Maintanis

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Governor Francis Fig Trees Promise a Bountiful Harvest! Saint George Court, Warwick, RI

I love figs. Fresh figs, just picked, are out of this world.
Soft, sweet and indescribably delicious!
Sprinkled with sugar and crisped with a blowtorch and they are pure heaven!

Linda Maintanis - Saint George Court, Governor Francis Farms, Warwick, RI

So it goes without saying that I would grow my own. Anyone who knows me knows that when I hook onto something I really love I learn how to make it, or in this case grow it, for myself. This behavior led me to Roslindale, Massachusetts last April to the Fig Tree shop.

That was about six weeks ago. A couple of hard frosts and heat waves later I decided to check my trees for progress. They have held up quite well. I was lucky enough to have figs already formed on my trees. However, the shock of the transplant caused this first set of fruit to drop. Sad but completely normal.

Yesterday I noticed that my trees were already making new fruits! Here is what it looks like when the baby figs appear.

Linda Maintanis - Saint George Court

Linda Maintanis - Saint George Court, Warwick, RI Governor Francis Farms